Current COVID-19 Guidelines

The Town of Kernersville announced in early November that masks were no longer required for Visitors in Town buildings:

“Due to the continued decline in the 14 day average positivity rate for COVID cases, the mask requirement for visitors to Town owned/used facilities has been lifted. We will continue to monitor the situation and make adjustments as necessary.”

Therefore, masks are not required indoors for Adult programming/events/leagues per the Town Policy, with the understanding that this is continuously developing and could change again.

For Kids programming/leagues, we will match the Winston Salem Forsyth County schools mask guidance:

The Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Board of Education has voted to lift the current mask requirement for students and staff. This means that masks will now be optional in all district school buildings and facilities effective Monday, February 28, 2022. The board made the decision at its regular meeting Tuesday night.

Masks are optional for all programming/events/leagues.

We continue to encourage people who haven’t been feeling well, no matter the symptoms, to please stay home. We appreciate your flexibility & understanding with us as we continue to navigate this! We will continue to keep you updated as things develop.


Updated 2/25/2022