KPRD Basketball Rules of Play
- Version
- 2024.1
- Last Revised
- January 2nd 2024
Mission Statement
Kernersville Parks and Recreation Department (KPRD) strives to improve the quality of life and safety for its citizens and employees by offering diverse, high quality programs, activities, parks, and town facilities, while also protecting the environment.+-
To provide an opportunity for men and women to participate in organized league play in accordance with the Rules and By-Laws outlined herein.
Age Requirements
- 18 and older
Each team is required to register their team during assigned registration dates. Registration will not be accepted without payment.
- Winter $495 (8 regular season games and a single elimination tournament)
- Summer $395 (6 regular season games and a single elimination tournament)
- Fall $495 (8 regular season games and a single elimination tournament)
A $25.00 late fee applies to all registrations after the deadline.
No refunds will be given after schedules have been posted
The official schedule will come from theĀ Athletic CoordinatorĀ and will be posted online atĀ Please make sure that you check the schedule on a regular basis in case there are any changes. Schedules will be updated weekly with scores and standings.
Shall be the current High School Federation Rules with the following exceptions in the rules below.
Game Time
Game times may be played at 6:30pm, 7:30pm, 8:30pm, and 9:30pm.
The game shall consist of (2) 16-minute halves with the clock stopping only for injuries, all free throw attempts and time-outs. The clock will stop for all whistles during the last 2 minutes of each half. Halftime will be 3-minutes or at the discretion of the scorekeeper.
Game clock will start at game time.
A 5-minute grace period will be allowed for teams to reach the minimum of 4 players. Teams may use their time-outs during this period.
If a team forfeits three games, that team will automatically become eliminated from any further competition and forfeit all team fees.
Total of 4 time-outs through the regulation game:
- 2- one-minute time-out periods
- 2- 30 second time-out periods
In case of a tie in a regulation game, the winner will be determined in overtime. The clock will stop for all whistles during the last minute of the overtime periods. 1- one minute time-out per overtime.
- 1st OT – 3 Minutes
- 2nd OT – 2 Minutes
- 3rd OT – Sudden Death
Teams are required to have same colored jerseys with numbers that are clearly visible (front and back preferred).
Teams must have their jerseys by the third game of the season (uniform infraction does not occur the first two weeks).
T-shirts under jerseys do not have to be the same color as the jersey.
Players are not allowed to play if their shirt color is the same as the opposing teamās color.
Uniform Infraction
You can have only one player without a number because they can be identified as 0. They still must have a shirt of the same color or one that doesn’t blend with their opponent. All other players must have a shirt thatĀ has aĀ number. If you do not have a shirt with a number you can play but the following must occur:
- 2 Free Throws will be awarded to the opposing team for each player that does not have a shirt with a number. These free throws will occur before the tip. If a player shows up without a shirt after the game has started those free throws will be shot at the next dead ball. i.e. Team A has 3 players with a shirt without a number. Team B will be awarded 4 free throws before the tip.
Inclement Weather
In case of inclement weather, postponement of games will be announced as soon as we can due to its unpredictability. After game time, the decision of play will be left up to the official. If the first games for the night are cancelled, all games for the night will be cancelled. Your team captain will be notified regarding all cancelations. Games, which are postponed, will be rescheduled at the end of the season, as double headers or on extreme cases a Saturday. If a game in process is abandoned and at least one half has been completed, the game will be considered complete.
Team captains are responsible for their team management and the players they recruit for their team(s). It is their responsibility to see that all participants of their team understand the rules/regulations of the league.
Minimum – 4 players, Maximum – 12 players.
Rosters must be turned into KPRD by your first game or when requested by KPRD. By not submitting a roster at this time, your team is subject to play in the highest level of competition.
Any team found with playing an illegal player (player not on their roster, or a player not eligible for tournament play) will forfeit that game (Game will be scored at 0-2).
All players must be registered online through the kvparks website before they are eligible to play. All players must be listed on the team roster prior to 5 pm on gamedays(Fridays).
It is the captainās responsibility to have rosters completed and updated before 5pm on Fridays.
Players can be added throughout the season but they still need to participate in the following to be eligible for tournament play:
- 3 games- winter and fall seasons
- 2 games- summer season.
Any player playing under an assumed name will be suspended a minimum of one year.
Players are not allowed to play on multiple teams.
No one playing on a college basketball team may participate.
Any captain who knowingly plays an illegal player will serve the same suspension as the player.
The player and team captain will be suspended for all of their games the following week.
A second offense will result in removal for the remainder of the season for the player and captain
Local Playing Rules
The KPRD holds the rights to change, add, or alter any of the local rules to for the improvement of the league.
The 7th team foul in one half will constitute a one-and-one situation. The 10th team foul in one half will constitute two shots.
Each teamās bench may not total more than two (2) managers for any game. Verbal warning by score keeper will be given first; the violations will result in forfeiture of the game.
Technical fouls: Two technical fouls for unsportsmanlike conduct in a game will automatically eliminate a player or coach from the game and the recreation center (as well as two additional game). If a player or coach fails to leave the gym within a timely manner their team will forfeit the game. If a player or coach is suspended twice during the season, he/she will also be dismissed for the remainder of the season.
Only players, coaches and managers are to be in the team bench area during games.
Jewelry of any type (includes watches, rings, necklaces, etc.) and hats are prohibited. Only items approved by the referee will be allowed (i.e. medical bracelets)
If a 20-point lead occurs during the game the clock will continue to run during free throw attempts until the score is under 20 points.
Standings will be kept on the basketball website for the league. In the event of a tie the following will be used.
- Head-to-Head Record
- Head-to-Head Point Differential
- Coin Toss
Code of Conduct
Kernersville Parks and Recreation encourages clean and sportsmanlike conduct on the court and in the spectator area. Bad sportsmanship, fighting, profanity, or arguing/threatening the official will not be permitted on the court or their vicinity.Ā Players, coaches, or spectators approaching officials in a negative manner will not be permitted.Ā Such actions are subject to ejection from the game and/or suspension from the league. Any action involving excessive profanity, assault on a referee or official of the Town, or excessive disruptive behavior of a player, captain, or spectator will result in permanent banning from any other activities offered by KPRD and that individual may be subject to criminal charges with local authorities. When a game gets out of hand by both teams and either the officials or gym supervisor feel that the game should be forfeited rather than continue play. This will result in a double forfeit.
Any player or spectator ejected from the game will be required to leave the premises IMMEDIATELY. Refusal to do so will lead in their teamās forfeiture of the game.Ā An ejected player or spectator is expected to simply gather belongings and LEAVE the court and spectator area immediately out of sight and sound of the match.
Ejections will result in automatic 2 game suspensions
Protests / Appeals
Should a dispute arise about whether a player is eligible, it will be the captainās responsibility to file a protest. The Gym Supervisor will pursue the following procedures in order to make an accurate judgment at the field.
Protests can only be made regarding rule interpretations or use of ineligible players. In order to protest, the team captain must alert the official and the gym supervisor at the time of the protest during the game so it can be noted on the scorecard. To file an official protest with KPRD, the captain must file a letter with the Athletic Coordinator stating the protest (by 12pm the following day).
All protests must be filed with the Athletic Coordinator within (24) twenty-four hours of the game, in writing, with a $25.00 protest fee. If the protesting team wins the protest the fee shall be returned. If the protesting team loses the protest the fee is forfeited.